Gerri Allen School Communicator of the Year Award

MSPRA's Gerri Allen School Communicator of the Year is an individual award designed to recognize the outstanding leadership and contributions of an active, front-line school communicator who works full-time in a school district or education service agency. It reflects the highest award a school communicator can receive. It is not designed to be a recognition of service at retirement.

Nominees must be a good-standing member of MSPRA and NSPRA and a current employee of a public school district or education agency whose focus is on strategic communication and public relations. There is no fee to submit a nomination for this award. 2024 nominations will be accepted between April 1 and June 30, 2024.

MSPRA Awards Submission Portal

Nominations are required to include the following information:

  • Four essays (300 words or less, plus up to three optional supporting documents for each area):
    • Leadership
    • Communication
    • Professionalism
    • Community Involvement
  • Nominee’s resume
  • Two letters of recommendation (one must be from the nominee’s supervisor, superintendent, or a school board member)

This is a competitive award, with nominations scored against each other using the criteria below.


Successfully meeting the needs of their district/educational service agency. Examples may include leading successful communication campaigns, overcoming an internal communication challenge, or creating a robust strategic communication plan. Evidence should include elements of RPIE.


Strength in both personal and organizational communication. Examples may include evidence of persuasion, public speaking, the power of engagement, or influence in decision-making. Evidence should include why the nominee’s communication strengths made a positive impact.


Effort toward increasing their knowledge and skills, providing professional development opportunities, and/or being a mentor to others. Examples may include achieving APR, participating in mentorship programs, or serving as a state or national chapter speaker, board member, or committee member.

Community Involvement

Active participation in their local community and understanding of regional, national, and international issues. Examples may include going above and beyond in their daily work commitments by volunteering, organizing a fundraiser, or writing an article that demonstrates broad knowledge of
the complexities of public education.

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